K-12 Academic Tutoring & SAT/ACT Test Prep (Complimentary Counseling)
College Admissions & College Essays (Common Application)
Medical School Counseling (Professional MDs & University Educators)

We're more than just tutors. We're mentors.

Are you looking for tutoring services?
We have options for you Online and On-site at our Learning Centers.
TUTOR SMART by Dr. Dan, MD offers experienced K-12 tutors with expertise on a wide variety of subjects, including reading, writing, science and mathematics.
We specialize in hiring exceptional people who are not only masters in their fields, but can also connect with students and encourage them to stay motivated. Our team of professional tutors motivates students to build better study habits and establish goals for long-term academic success.
College Bound? We have the experts who can help with admissions, testing, essays and counseling. In addition, we can help your student with Medical School preparation and counseling.
Our excellent and qualified tutors can help students better understand course materials, complete homework assignments, and develop better study habits.
Ultimately, our program goal is to help each student get ahead - instead of always catching up on coursework - and help lay the groundwork for a bright and successful future!
All Grade Levels
Elementary (K – 5th)
Math / Critical Reading / Writing
Middle School (6th – 8th)
Pre-Algebra / Algebra / Geometry / Critical Reading / Grammar / Writing / Social Studies / Sciences
High School (9th – 12th)
Algebra I, II / Geometry / Pre-Calculus / Trigonometry / Calculus /Statistics /World History / US History / AP Language Studies / Biology / Chemistry / Physics
Academic Counseling & Test Preparation
College Admissions, Testing, Essays & Counseling
Medical School Preparation & Counseling
By phone or email
Tutor Smart by Dr. Dan, MD
6861 Elm St. #3B
McLean, VA 22101
(571) 378-0782
In-Person & Online Tutoring Services Available
Currently serving students in: Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, California, Georgia, Florida, Rhode Island, Delaware, Illinois, and Texas.